Thursday 12 July 2012

Admin Is Sick

If you guys noticed, the server lately like late open or early close due to admin high fever. Tomorrow server will be happen like this also.

P/S: We race at night, thats why xO

Monday 9 July 2012

New C4 Timer!!!

Look how the new C4 Timer like. The server will grow up and more update depend on player needs.

AWP Nefted!! and Sniper Limited!!!

AWP Clip is max to 1, mean you can't shoot more than 1 with one clip.

Not only AWP clip is changed, the sniper limit is limited to 1 each team, the team member must be min at 5 people to allow them to use 1 sniper. This is to balance team fair and strength.

New Server Level Calculation!

The calculation will be focus on kills and damage and will be divided with the number of hits and reduce by headshot. Okay, I know its sound insane, you don't know what its about. The normal ranks system by default is [ Kills - Death - Team kills ]. By the example, "A" and "B". "A" have 7 kills but 10 death with 5 team kills, "B" have 2 kills but 1 death with no teamkill. "A" score is 7 - 10 - 5 =  - 8 , while "B" score is 2 -1 - 0 = 1. So by logic, "A" should be the rank 1 since he/she play more longer than "B" but by the skill, "B" should be rank 1.

So far, from my idea, I need the server rank is depends on how long you play the server and how much you play with it, don't want newcomer to take over hardship of old player by new player just by hacks or by honest pure skilled player until 1 hours or like a day. To prevent this, the new server ranks reveled!

The server calculation will be like this, Kill*Damage/(hit/headshot). To understand it more, lets give an example. "A" have 10 kills with 1000 damage and hit 100 with 5 headshot. The score will be like this, 10*1000 / (100/5) = 10000 / 20 = 500 score. So far, the more you play, you accumulate the kills and damage more with less reduction score combined with headshot. so this will be fair and respect my new server stats. And one last thing, this is not MSP server type, I am different than them. The server always change until it reach perfectness.

P/S: All players stats been reset due to new server stats modification.

Edited : New fixed calculation kills * headshot + damage.

The Server Is Back!!

The admin already back from vacation, the server will be monitored by [M]k179 or [M]nazKiz . Any suggestion on the server, just add my facebook Remy Kacoi.

Saturday 7 July 2012

C4 Predator

C4 Man is Invisible:
Soo, here the deal, when you using C4 (T side), you will become Invisible to people depends on the player client, some appear invisible, some not, I try to fix this up.

The advantages of C4 man Invisible is they have no foot step but their speed a bit slower which is 200 speed. Invisible only when using C4, so you can put bomb inside their camper base. They don't realize the bomb on their camp site.

The Disadvantages is, I not going to promise you will able to put the bomb safely but I can promise you, you are invisible to certain people only, depends.

Server Starting Money

The server will having different money starter other than any server which is it over 16000. My starting money is 30000, sound good right? You can't run out money by this when you have so much.