Super Hero Mod:
Its still not stable on my server which mean it already finish but it not make the server smooth, so I am not going to put it into my server until the lag gone. The test will be run again tonight at 4 July 2012, 8 pm. The server will going to have password, so only the one read this will know the password.
Tonight Password is superhero.
How to use it? What are the superpower?
Well, I don't know yet how to use it, no proper tutorial how to do it. Why don't we all together solve this superpower.
So far, I only have this 21 Super Hero. Below list is the Superpower Description.
1-Anubis: you can see enemies HP and DMG
2-Aquaman: you can breathe underwater as long as you want (Hero Power)
3-Batman: it gives you random weapons
4-Bomberman: you can leave bombs in the way and make it explode when you want (Hero Power)
5-Capitan American: Super makes you invincible but it works randomly
6-Deredevil: you see enemies aura (like wallhack)
7-Dazzle: Near enemies are shown in the map
8-Dracula: you can swap hp by killing others
9-Flash: you run faster (Hero Power)
10-Hobgoblin: auto HE grenade...when you use 1 another appears (Hero Power)
11-Hulk: makes an earthquake (Hero Power)
12-Human torch: Flame Thrower (Hero Power)
13-Iron Man: You can fly but it uses your armour...but it autoregenerates (Hero Power)
14-Kamakazee : you explode before 15 seconds (Hero Power)
15-Mystique: you get an enemy suit (Hero Power)
16-NightCrawler: You can go through walls (Hero Power)
17-Spiderman: you can fly with spiderwebs (Hero Power)
18-Superman: gives you gravity (Hero Power)
19-Wind Talker: silent steps can be heard (Hero Power)
20-Wolverine: HP regeneration and Super knife
21-Xavier: it detect hidden players using mystique or similar powers
Copied from some website <<< Still don't know its true or not.
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